As a parent, there were days that I was exhausted by the nonstop question of “why?” It seemed to never stop as our children searched for an answer to resolve their curiosity or bring a conclusion to a matter at hand. If our kids were not enough, the volume of the scouts that I worked with only exponentially increased the question of searching.
We ask that question often ourselves as adults. We ask it of our spouse, friends, doctors, and even our kids as we seek to understand why they do the things that they do. We ask, "God why?" You fill in the question. We do it, just like our kids, trying to find an understanding of what has transpired. In more situations than not, it has nothing to do with trying to grasp a message in scripture. It has more to do with trying to understand the events that have impacted our lives. The loss of someone is right there at the top of the list of reasons that we inquire of "God, why?"
Let’s twist this a bit. What if someone was asking me, “Why do you love God? Why God and not yourself? Why God?" Well, the answer is simple. There will be times when I experience loss or loneliness and there will be times that I am absolutely devastated. That is one of the reasons why I love my God because God will be there in the midst of my questions and struggles to lift and support me. God will be there to bring peace to my life in the midst of the noise of grief. That is why God is such an ingrained part of my life. I know that God willingly steps into the shadows of my pain and grief to bring me comfort. The question to those that stand on the fringe and look in is, “why not God?” Why not let God into your life knowing what God is capable of doing for you and God does it with such gentleness and care. That’s why God.
God's Peace,
Pastor Rusty